
We depend on our volunteers to help us achieve our mission.

Bacoa has many ways to serve older adults in the community. Whether you can commit a few hours a month or a few hours a week, Bacoa has opportunities for enthusiastic volunteers of all ages.

Our hard-working volunteers help prepare tax returns, deliver Meals With Wheels, handle in-home tasks for clients, provide Easy Riders transportation to medical appointments, and much more. Their dedication and support make it possible for Bacoa to improve client outcomes, reach more people, and expand assistance to older adults in nearby suburbs. Even helping with a small task can make a real difference for those we serve.

Three Older Adult Women Hugging and Smiling While Outside

Bacoa is now a member of the Barrington Area Volunteer Connection, which matches volunteers with nonprofit opportunities. We can help you find the volunteer opportunity that’s right for you. We welcome your time and energy.

Young Woman Driver Looking Into Back Seat While in Driver's Seat

Please note:

Hours for volunteer opportunities are generally limited to our office hours, Mondays-Fridays: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Drivers

Volunteers for our “Easy Riders” transportation service drive older adults to grocery stores, pharmacies, or personal care appointments.

“A Day Out” Adult Day Program

This program provides a respite for caregivers who are providing care and support for someone who is struggling with mild memory loss. Volunteers are trained to work with participants and help with activities and socialization.

Monday Lunch and Activity Program

Bacoa offers a hot noon meal at the Barrington Park District on Monday. The program’s activities include bingo, music, games, and presentations on health and nutrition. Volunteers serve lunch, prepare, and clean up table and kitchen areas, and check in program participants.

Meals with Wheels

Volunteer drivers deliver a healthy, hot noon meal to persons who are unable to shop or prepare their own meals. The meals, prepared under the supervision of a registered dietitian, are delivered Monday through Friday.

Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Volunteer

SHIP counselors are trained by the Illinois Division of Insurance to organize and assist in filing Medicare and Medicare Supplement claims and analyze Medicare supplement and long-term care policies. Counselors also educate consumers and answer questions about Medicare and other health insurance issues. Volunteers must be 55 years and older.

Home Maintenance

Older adults can often use a helping hand with home maintenance work such as yard work, removing snow, or minor home repairs. Volunteers can provide help on an occasional basis or commit to a regular visit.

Low Vision and Blind Program

This program provides a support, resources and activities for those who are dealing with low vision and blindness.  Volunteers are trained to work with participants and help with activities and socialization in a fun and safe enviroment.

Office Volunteers

Volunteers can work at Bacoa’s office, assisting with answering phones, computer work, and special mailings.

Got Talent?

Share it with Bacoa! We are always looking for educational presentations, music, art, and more for local community members to share with clients.

We’re here for you.

Bacoa is your connection to helpful resources. Our team is ready to assist with any aging-related needs. We look forward to connecting with you.

